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Quimexur closed 2023 with a growth of 20% and great national expansion

Argentina. Quimexur, the paint and waterproofing brand that Holcim Argentina acquired with a majority stake in March 2023, closed a year marked by growth and expansion.

Since the purchase of the majority stake in Quitam S.A., the brand has increased its sales volume. In addition, it grew in the distribution of its Quimexur products in more than 100 points of sale throughout the country and launched new product lines, thus expanding its portfolio of construction solutions.

"Quimexur increased its sales volume by 20% in 2023, compared to the whole of 2022, exceeding 4 million liters sold, equivalent to more than 250,000 homes beautified and protected with our products," said Gonzalo Ragazzini, Holcim's commercial manager for Quimexur.

Part of this growth was due to the expansion of the distribution of its products throughout the country. To date, Quimexur paints and waterproofing are already available in 140 Disensa stores. This represents 30% of the establishments in Holcim's largest network of building materials yards in the country belonging to Holcim in Argentina.

In more than 40 of these 140 Disensa stores, Quimexur now has an exclusive space for paintings, where it can receive all customers and advise them on the purchase of the different products they may need to carry out their projects.

During 2024, and as production increases, we will work hard to bring Quimexur products to all Disensa branches throughout the country.

In terms of production, 11 new products were launched in 2023 from an exclusive line for Holcim customers looking to take their first steps in the paints and waterproofing market.

These products include professional latex paint, plastic plaster, plate putty, sealant fixative, fixative primer, textured finish for walls and surfaces, polyurethane liquid membrane and quick-drying asphalt paint.

- Publicidad -

All these new products are marketed under the Quimexur brand and through the Disensa network.

Federico Duarte
Author: Federico Duarte
Editor en Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador social y periodista con experiencia de más de 15 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por hacer de la vida una historia para contar. [email protected]

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