Gustavo Weber García is a professional in the aeronautical coatings sector who throughout his life has been concerned with teaching future generations everything related to the industry.
by: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
In Latin America there is a country that has always been recognized for its economic stability and projection. Chile is the nation that this time will contribute a member of the industry to our Professional of the Month section.
His 34 years of experience are more than enough to recognize that in Gustavo Fernando Weber García there is a human being who has given his life to the paints and coatings industry. And that experience has taken her on two fronts: the work and the teacher.
Gustavo Weber is a chemical engineer whose life paths led him to specialize in corrosion issues, especially in the aerospace sector. It is in this area where he has worked throughout his life in different aspects: he completed a postgraduate degree in Corrosion Control and Prevention dictated by the University of Santiago de Chile; even before graduating he was already a professor at the Polytechnic Aeronautical Academy, he also went through the Chilean Air Force and the National Aeronautics Company.
In addition to this, Gustavo had the opportunity to create his own businesses, first he trained Tetraquímica, later he created the Technical Training Organization (Otec) in which for four years he trained more than 700 professionals in different topics of corrosion both industrial and aeronautical. He also went through Sherwin Williams in the area of technical assistance. In 2007, I created a new company called Wemocorr, for consulting and training.
In 2010 our Professional of the Month decided to end his professional career and devote himself fully to teaching. "I decided to do this work on a full-time basis in order to deliver all my experience and transfer my knowledge to a new generation of professionals."
In this regard, the Chilean representative also said that "it is necessary to commit and be at the disposal of the students, since they will be the future; men pass but institutions remain and I believe each of us must mark a milestone, whatever I do, but with vocation and dedication, and at this moment my decision is to dedicate myself to teaching".
It is in the same way that Gustavo looks in the next five years, although he also continues to carry out advisory, consulting and training work in companies. "I would very much like to collaborate with South American countries on aeronautics issues (corrosion, surface treatment and painting).
The Chilean market
Within the aeronautical paints sector, Gustavo Weber assures that his country moves within the panorama of the import of products: "There are no products in the square, everything is Imported (usually from companies such as AkzoNobel, PPG, etc.), nobody wants to assume the responsibility of having product in place, in part it is understandable by the small market and by its expiration dates, but I think there is a mechanism to comply with the above."
In the other sectors, according to the Professional, "the characteristics of the market in Chile are positive and there have been mergers between paint factories; with respect to the industrial market, there is growth as a result of the mining sector. In the decorative part, the demand of the real estate market (especially in Santiago de Chile) has been explosive, especially in the construction of apartments".
Gustavo also believes that the industry must learn more to control its production, bearing in mind the economic scenario that arises and the projects to be carried out.
"The added value of the products according to the economic scenario goes through the moderation of the amount of paint to be manufactured, taking into account the projects to be executed in the country, in which each factory will carry out updated market studies, and that the products sold have an adequate after-sales assistance and executed by personnel specialized in the matter; not that they just do it to sell and forget about the buyer."
Inclination towards the ecological
Thinking about the near future of paints and coatings is clear to Gustavo Weber. The industry aims at nature-friendly products and efficiency in their developments. Creating water-based products that are greener will contribute to the ecosystem.
"I also think that factories should look for a solution to the waste generated in their products, I mean plastic and metal packaging, and thus create a recycling system that is assumed by each brand and manufactures, I think there is currently a large volume of waste that will affect our medium in the short term."
Finally, Gustavo stressed that the keys to his professional success and in the educational area are due to perseverance and perseverance, he also considers that it is very important to surround yourself with specialized professionals. "Many of my triumphs are also due to innovation and the search for innovative products that help and alleviate the work, preserving themselves over time."
To highlight
The Professional of the Month Academy
- Chemical Engineer U.T.E (University of Santiago de Chile)
- Postgraduate in Corrosion Control and Prevention (University of Santiago de Chile)
- Improvement Course "Corrosion of Aging Aircraft" (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
- Intermediate English (Specific English Training).
- Professor of Mechanical Execution Engineering INACAP
- Advanced Courses in Painting (AkzoNobel) Holland and PRC of SOTO, Los Angeles, USA.
- Member of the Scientific Society of Chile
- Founding Director of the Chilean Corrosion Association (ACHCOR)
- Member of NACE (National Association corrosion Engeniering)
- Improvement Course at Sherwin Williams Painting Factory and SUMARÉ Brazil
- Rapporteur and lecturer at Latincoor (Cartagena, Colombia) and (Santiago, Chile)
- Rapporteur of the 1st and 2nd Corrosion Meeting at Universidad Católica del Norte and Pontificia
Catholic University of Valparaiso