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Pintuco, first manufacturer with sustainability verification in Colombia

Colombia. Pintuco becomes the first paint manufacturer in the country to obtain the "Verification of Sustainability Attributes for Construction Materials".

This verification was granted by the Colombian Council for Sustainable Construction (CCCS), which allows Colombian builders to ensure that their materials meet sustainability objectives, contributing to achieving the goals of the construction sector, which seeks to be greener and lower in carbon.

The materials within the company's portfolio that obtained the verification are: ViniltexPro650, IntervinilPro400 and High Asepsia Acrylic Paint. Pintuco will provide builders with files that prove the sustainability attributes of these materials, allowing them to apply to the different sustainable construction certification systems existing in the country, such as LEED and CASA Colombia.

"The verification of sustainability attributes is a transparency tool for manufacturers and developers, identifying the sustainability criteria of construction materials in their life cycle. We need to create lasting projects and build environments that protect people's lives and the environment. The fact that the materials have a verification process means that buildings use quality resources and components, guiding the transformation of the entire value chain towards sustainability," said Angélica Ospina, executive director of the CCCS.

- Publicidad -

The demonstration of the sustainability attributes of the materials, required in different types of construction, verifies that they are sustainable from the obtaining of the input, transport, manufacture, installation, use and until the end of their useful life, according to the CCCS.

Likewise, the sustainability initiatives that Pintuco has implemented have been essential to obtain this validation. Its production plant is certified carbon neutral and uses 100% renewable energy from solar panels in its production processes.

"We are very proud to have achieved the verification, because it ratifies that we are a responsible manufacturer from our production process and that the inputs that we deliver to builders in the country for their projects, whether they are buildings or homes, meet the sustainability conditions required for their certifications," said Luis Villamil, Pintuco's construction manager.

The Colombian Council for Sustainable Construction (CCCS) indicates that at the end of 2023, 19% of the licensed area was for housing in search of a certification in sustainable construction, and 11% for non-residential uses. For this year, a continuous growth is estimated both in the construction of sustainable projects, and in the demand for materials that contribute to the sustainability of spaces, due to the growing need to reduce the carbon footprint, make more efficient use of natural resources and reuse materials to preserve the ecosystem throughout the national territory.

Laura Restrepo
Author: Laura Restrepo
Editora en Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicadora social y periodista apasionada por las letras e historias. [email protected]

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