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The best showcase for the update


altWith a total of 18 academic conferences and three complementary talks, Cubrecol Americas officially launched its programming for the 2011 edition, which will be held in Medellín, Colombia, between September 29 and 30. The presence of Cidepint, Ecopetrol, Isa and Venmark are some of the main attractions. 


The great novelty is borne by the formulation room, in which companies from all over the region participate. Topics such as resins, solvents and nanotechnology will be addressed by experts such as Julián Restrepo, who is part of the advisory committee and recently completed his PhD in Green Chemistry, in Spain. 

- Publicidad -


The marketing strategies of paint manufacturing companies will also be the focus of analysis, by the hand of the Argentine Claudio Fazzone, from Venmark, who has extensive experience in the design of marketing strategies for companies in the sector throughout Latin America. 

In the corrosion part, the presence of the Colombian state oil company Ecopetrol, in the company of the Colombian Corrosion Association, Ascor, set a new tone in the event. Both institutions will address issues concerning corrosion in the hydrocarbon sector.  Likewise, the main energy distribution company in Latin America, ISA, will also share its experience in corrosion control in power distribution lines, a process that has been led by engineer Juan Guillermo Maya. 

Meanwhile, in the application segment, important companies such as the Spanish Promat make their appearance, which, in alliance with the Colombian Invesa - Sapolín, will address the new Colombian and international regulations on safety and passive fire protection

Global de Pinturas
and Sika will also buy their professional experiences, from the hand of their most outstanding engineers who will work on topics such as polyureas, coatings for automotive repainting and painting schemes used in the industry. Finally, the multinational Vitracoat will show attendees the new powder coating systems with anthomicrobial, urethane and bonded properties. 

All these companies are joined by the main research institute in paints, Cidepint, which will bring the engineer Juan José Capriari, recognized throughout the continent for his knowledge in formulation, application and preparation of surfaces. 

 All these companies, and many more will also be present at the trade show to publicize the new technologies available to the industry in Latin America. 

Author: Vanesa Restrepo

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