The academic day of Cubrecol 2009 was concluded, characterized by the massive attendance of people, both to the commercial sample and to the academic days. Different speakers managed to captivate the attendees, generating debates that have continued, even, until minutes after the end of the talk and have extended to spaces such as lunch and snacks. An example of this are conferences such as the powder coating cycle, where the companies Bycsa, Pintuco and Oxyplast participated, which led to the exchange of experiences.
In this case, attendees and speakers will solve common problems that appear daily in the application processes. As a consequence, concerns were generated that will be transmitted and solved through the technical forums of the portal .
Precisely the Venezuelans Milton Vargas and José Fernandez (in the photo), of the company Anódica, visited Cubrecol after meeting it through the Colombian Chamber of Construction, Camacol. Vargas assures that they decided to attend, in view of the lack of information on electrostatic painting processes in the sector. The case of the application defects that were registered in this company, in Venezuela, gave rise to the discussion between speakers and speakers, which ended with a series of possible solutions to the problem. Other talks such as those on corrosion, given by Iván Patricio Herrera and Certification of repainting workshops, by Cesvi Colombia, generated new information spaces that, according to the attendees, help improve the results of the companies.
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